I haven't been blogging--I've just been too busy living! As the winds and rains descend upon us, and I get a little breather in my work world, it seems the time has come to catch up in blogging land!
It is nearly Halloween--our cozy little bungalow is all decked out and ready for the spooky holiday, including more than our share of leaves all over the front and back yard. Teri actually ENJOYS raking leaves and she has been cleaning up the summer garden and converting it into a fall garden (there are plenty of new brasicas and cool weather plants that are still growing out there.) We have been tickled to scatter our home-grown pumpkins and gourds around the house, deck and porch and dried corn stalks from our garden drape the front porch. Very fun!
In the past couple months, Teri and I took our first cross-country trip together as we boarded a plane that took us to New Jersey for her parents' 50th wedding anniversary. It was quite the celebration and I felt priviledged to not only be invited, but to also get the chance to meet ALL of Tiger's relatives and get a good "feel" for where she comes from. We spent an entire day sight-seeing at Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty with her parents, and were able to carve out another day just for wandering around her old teenage "haunts" and soaking up some extremely warm vibes on the Jersey beaches.
Meanwhile, there have been work events, my neice's wedding, the relocation of my sister (who now lives in Eugene!), my son's starting college and turning 18, a daughter starting a new full time job at the deli of a local grocery store, peace rallies, volunteer projects and the addition of a new member of our family (Lola, the beagle who has taken over the house). Whew! no wonder I haven't had time to write!