Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Embracing Summer...

Not much blogging lately since I have been consumed with work, a trip to Copenhagen, Denmark, and some general restlessness in my world. I can say that it IS summer as far as I am concerned (even if the calendar shows a couple weeks to wait) and that I feel my favorite season taking over!

While I feel those imminent and necessary changes ahead, I also feel the lovely pace of the summer months taking over as well. There is softball (yes, playing on the softball team again at the age of 42; not sure what is up with that!) and friends and family and activities stretching out over the next several weeks. I am a slacker at heart--prefering a slow visit over some fabulous wine to trying to climb the corporate ladder (I wouldn't even KNOW a corporate ladder if it fell on me, really.) The universe has been good to me and I continue to meet amazing people and have amazing adventures. Okay, maybe the buckets full of money haven't found their way into my world yet, but it could still be coming...

Memorial Day weekend has come and gone--the weather is starting to to cooperate; I've had an afternoon sipping beers with a beautiful gal by the pool, I cannot help but have my brain shifted into summer mode. At last, I couldn't be MORE ready...

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