Friday, December 18, 2009

Settling into the Willow Avenue House

It has been about two weeks since I stepped off the plane from my visit to Indiana and joined Tiger in moving into our new shared house on Willow Avenue. I have to remind myself that it has only been two weeks because with the bustle of moving, coming home from our respective trips, and wrestling with the holidays--time has become a bit of a blur.

We expect a great deal from ourselves and, of course, want the little house to feel homey and comfortable and give a sense of feeling a little settled after a really tumultuous year. We want to make room for us as a couple, make room for our own individual selves and endeavors, make sure that all our kids feel comfortable coming by and hanging out and provide a welcoming space for all our friends and the hostessing we both like to do. That is a rather tall order for a sweet little bungalow and two already-stressed women!

Meanwhile, there is still work and job hunting and fundraising that needs to get done. Christmas that needs to be planned for and such, and all the details of tending to a young relationship. We are settling in but it is a process. Trying to remember to be gentle with each other and ourselves, negotiating and celebrating all the little pieces that are involved in making a home and building a new version of life...

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