First of all, this is NOT my desk--not in reality. It does feel a bit like my work load and life at present, however! I have accepted a position as a marketing and communications director, in addition to my work as co-director of the Community Alliance of Lane County and the freelance writing. Not to mention the fact that I am totally dedicated to planning a fabulous wedding.
There is a certain amount of overwhelm that I am experiencing currently and I hope that is to be expected. I still haven't figured out exactly HOW I will do all these things but I am certainly going to give it my best. Meanwhile, things are not exactly going smoothly on all fronts either...
I spent a good portion of today dredging out the downstairs office here at the nonprofit. Stacks of papers, overflowing piles of stuff that needed to be filed, dumped, recycled or, unfortunately, dealt with 2 months ago have all been sorted and sifted. it wasn't exactly what I expected to do today, but it is done.
There are grant proposals to be written, DJs to be contacted (for the wedding), taxes to be filed, articles to be written, AND, a garden that I am aching to start planting. Much to do, much to do and, like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, I already feel as though I am running terribly late.