Three or four years ago, there was an Easter morning service that Lucy and I attended with Cheryl where the clergy spoke of renewal, resurrection and change--he used the term "Easter people" to describe those of us who learn how to welcome and embrace the constant cycles of life and change that we all face. We've adopted this term as a family and it serves as a reminder to us when we are wrestling with inevitable changes, afraid of what might be coming around the corner, or on the verge of being devastated by the unknown. We remind ourselves that we really are "Easter people."
That said, it is early Easter morning--an early-in-the-season, cold,wet Easter morning here in the Pacific Northwest. We are doing the best we can with it even though my bags--all packed for a two-week trip--are sitting in the corner of the dining room and the past several days have been overloaded with preparations, errands, etc. My flight leaves before 6 am tomorrow morning and there is so much going on at the home front, I am not entirely comfortable about leaving. Impending graduation, GED and Driving permit tests, school changes--you name it. My three kids are all in such states of transition and growing up that it feels like every day is a precious time capsule. All I can say is thank goodness we are Easter people!
Happy Easter--renewal, rejuvenation, resurrection--however you like to think of's to all the growth spurts!