Friday, August 29, 2008

Grief, Change, Re-grouping, Family, Irony and a Little Laughter

A little upheaval seems to be forever just around the corner and, of course, as we all know it seldom comes in little doses but in big, obvious ones!

It has been a rocky few weeks for me for numerous reasons and what I have learned is that I have the most amazing kids in the world, a couple fabulous friends who have been with me for more than a decade and an evolving ability to roll with life's inevitable changes. The good thing about the opportunity to re-group is that a girl gets to let go of people, philosophies and things that just weren't working, renew faith in the universe at large, and get a chuckle or two out of the surprises. In fact, I found that it was when I experienced some "Ah ha!" moments of irony that I could feel myself starting to bob back to the surface.

I'm getting better at not kicking myself for blunders, mistakes and kooky attempted connections which is one of the benefits of age and a bit of seasoning. After all--you just never know what realities of human behavior you will get to see on any given day. People are just people after all and we cannot help but express all the elements of human behavior no matter how petty, short-sided, self-destructive, fearful, inconsiderate and misleading. Who among us hasn't been that person?

Grief is cathartic and there is absolutely no way around it; Change is inevitable and constant; Re-grouping is an opportunity to redefine and learn from the unending lessons; Family is a blessing and a gift and irony can be the little crack that lets you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, laughter is the most healing thing of all!

This has been a full summer--it has whizzed by and I don't feel quite like the same woman who started out in May...

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