Monday, April 27, 2009

Too Much...

Everything has been a bit too much lately--there has been too much to do; too many variables to contend with; too many moods, germs, tasks, problems and surprises. It is strange how life can go that way. A month ago, I was feeling very positive and optimistic, on the verge of falling in love, and just feeling like I had a handle on everything--I'd even adjusted to having two of my fledglings out of the nest. Fast forward a few weeks and all of that has changed. I am back to have two kids at home, a cluttered house, a cluttered life, a slightly dented heart, and empty bank account, and more tasks and responsibilities that I can possibly handle right now. It is all a bit too much. I know this too is temporary, but I'm not sure that really makes it any easier.

Things are a bit blurry, heavy, foggy and overwhelming. Perhaps that is simply one of the realities of the triple A's--I HAVE been focusing hard on Activism, Activity and Appreciation but sometimes there are elements outside of a girl's control. It becomes necessary to regroup and retract--just long enough to get one's footing.

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