Saturday, November 21, 2009

Midwestern Things and Fall Changes

My visit in the heartland continues and as I allow myself the pleasures of being somewhere "else" and the ease of connecting with dear old friends, I think that I am finally able to start putting all the mad changes of the past year into some perspective. Mostly it is just an embracing of what "is" and allowing things to be as they are without much questioning. Some things change and some things don't. I really don't have any control over most of it and the secret seems to be to just keep going.

When I return to the West Coast, Tiger and I will be moving into a sweet little bungalow on the close-in North side of town. I looked at several places and started house hunting nearly two months ago for myself. As is typical, however, the universe seemed to have ideas of its own and when Teri and I finally decided that we wanted to find a place together, the very next day this house presented itself to us and all the obstacles seemed to dissolve. How hard it is to quiet the voices and let go of the fears and just allow life to unfold!

I realize that the connectedness I feel in this world has nothing to do with place, stuff, or items and everything to do with people, conversation and love. I am lucky. I have some of the most amazing friends and loved ones scattered all over the globe and I never know when I will form a new, lasting and enriching friendship. In the time I have been single, I never panicked about "meeting someone" nor did I feel particularly lonely. I have had my kids, friends and vast volumes of connections to bolster me over the years. I just figured that people would continue to come into my life and if I was meant to have another close, intimate relationship, it would present itself as well.

As I age, I just become more and more myself. I feel an increasing depth of comfort with the "who" of me regardless of where I am or who I am with. I realize that with the increased comfort and self-awareness comes an increased ability to be present and genuine with others. Amazing.

So, as I experience a gorgeous Fall and holiday in the flat fields of Indiana, I know that my nearest and dearest will be experiencing their own transitions in myriad other locations. Tiger will be with her people on the East Coast, my kids will be with friends and family around Oregon, and other friends will be finding each other over tables, on dance floors, in living rooms and walking side-by-side along leaf-strewn trails. What an amazing life this is with all of its turmoil and letting go and allowing the new to come in!

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