Friday, October 9, 2009

Woman in Motion...

There is a lot going on--house hunting, packing, sorting, purging. My life is amazing and full and in magnificent creative flux. That does not mean that it is particularly easy! Meanwhile, I have been feeling particularly fortunate for all the friends and pals swimming in my life. There is a constant flow of housing suggestions, offers of help and just general, warm support. I am soaking up all the well-wishes and feeling anything but alone as I navigate some pretty fantastic changes. My girlfriend Tiger calls this "tribe" my "Rescue Aid Society" since I have become quite comfortable calling out for help, asking for assistance or company, and just generally letting people in on what is going on with my life. I have found that I finally have what feels like a family of people whom I genuinely enjoy and trust and am willing to let in. So, as I am moving around in a whirlwind swirl of change and transition, I am so grateful for the comrades I feel are solidly in my corner!

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