Scaling back and getting my feet back under me have become a major focus as this year unfolds. While I definitely don't anticipate an "easy" ride for the next several months, I am focusing on trying to feel a bit grounded again after a year or so of very major, very heavy changes. Tiger and I call our little bungalow here on Willow Avenue our "Practice House" and for me, it is all about rejuvenation, reinforcement and just focusing in on the ordinary simple realities of life in order to bolster myself for more of the inevitable.
I am trying to take notice of the little things and soak up the obvious pleasures--a full moon rising in a sky full of fluffy clouds, a brilliant spring sunrise all pink and blue, the new seedlings poking their heads up in the freshly dug garden beds. I cannot help but see this as an opportunity to refocus on the things that I enjoy, the things that feed my soul, and the things that give me pleasure.
Kids continue to grow up and stretch out (across the country really) and my own life continues to unfold in directions that I would have never predicted. I can't worry about the future right now, I can only fall in and float in the present. Surely there will be more changes, more funerals, more comings and goings, and the best thing I can do right now is to just be in it--RIGHT NOW.
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