Thursday, June 11, 2009

We're All in This Together...

Connection, love, and compassion seem to be my current mantra words--I cannot help but think that reminding myself that we really are all in this wild ride called life together is a key to some sort of constant compassion. It definitely reminds me that we are all connected and even when I'm feeling moody, crabby or isolated--just bringing it back to the simple fact that I am not alone...AT ALL...seems to make a huge difference.

While I think that independence is a wonderful thing and it is important for a person to get comfortable enough in her own skin as to be able to move around in the world solo, I also think that we are social creatures--we need each other. It doesn't really help us to get all sequestered and isolated and to spend too much time alone with our own thoughts and theories. That is when that icky ego voice takes over and before long, it has us believing all sorts of things about ourselves that just are not true.

I really don't think there is anything wrong with a little social distraction--having other people around who are talking to us, asking our opinion, or just creating a diversion can, in fact, be just what we need. Sure, there are those people who just can't be alone with themselves but most of the people I know and love have just the opposite problem--we forget that we really don't HAVE to do everything on our own and that it might not be the best thing for us that we do!

I think we have been fed a load of crap about the importance of handling everything all by ourselves--I think we need each other; we need family and friends and people to do things with. Flying solo can be great and can help us to discover untapped resources and talents within ourselves but I don't think that we need to face life entirely on our own. We're just not created to be that way--even the most introverted and least social among us.

Deep and meaningful is nice; independent study and quest is nice too--but sometimes what we really need is a clan--some people to share a meal with, go for a walk or shop with. It is important to have plenty of people who will notice what we're up to and just sit and have the chat. I really do think that small talk and comfortable conversation is under-rated! So, I suggest we let go of that invented expectation to fly completely solo in this world--let people in, let things be imperfect and messy and friendly; remind ourselves how to be neighborly and how to socialize in a caring and stress-free way. Yes, this means opening up, taking risks and giving things a try even if they are not optimal. It takes effort to build families and clans and communities but it is SO worth it...

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