Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What a Start to the Summer!

It dawned on me today that this is the last day of June. The weather is nice and toasty, the sun is out and I have already logged in several hours by the pool, at the farmer's market and in the bleachers at the baseball game. This past weekend found me comfortably busy doing fun activities and I can honestly say that I cannot remember a more saucy jump-start to a summer. Who would have thought I would find myself in such a delightful place at this age? And who would have thought the universe would continue to send me such amazing friends and playmates?

I have surely shared by now that Summer is my favorite season--everything about the summer months suits me just fine and even though I am older and cannot while away the weeks playing softball and camping out, I still extract as much "life" out of the sunny season as I can.

To be honest, however, Summer is not without its heavy side. I have found myself feeling nostalgic and revisiting some of the grief and loss recently. We are almost upon the one-year anniversary of my Grandpa Tuff's death and it still seems unreal that both of my beloved grandfathers died in the past year. My childhood summer memories are inexplicably linked to my grandparents as I probably spent as many hours at their homes as I did at my own. There are definitely pleasures and preferences that I absorbed from them that I carry into my own fifth decade of summers.

The Fourth of July is only a couple days away; I plan to spend it with friends under a warm, summer sky. As I look over this past month of June I am dazzled at all that has gone down--activities, family adventures, a new job offer, love and a whole lot of laughter. How could I not be feeling some anticipating at the dawning of July?!

1 comment:

Yaz and Rob said...

I am looking at old posts and Cheryl looks older. I am older. We have all aged. Actually though, Kori, you seem to not have aged, how is that....